Sliding Glass Door Curtains

Sliding Glass Door Curtains
Sliding Glass Door Curtains

Tips For Sliding Glass Door Blinds
By Marc Willis - Ezinearticles

Sliding glass door blinds are meant for to be used for a few very important points that include privacy, interior design, comfort and capturing just the right amount of lighting from the outside. Imagine having a beach house and watching the sunset beam through your blinds and covering you in a warm safe glow of light that completely transforms your home into paradise. Using sliding glass door blinds in just the right way can capture any dramatic moment while giving you peace of mind from unwanted onlookers from outside.

Sliding Glass Door Curtains

The best part about this is that you have ample options open to you in the form of fabrics, vinyl, wood and aluminum designs and textures. Each specially tailored to your home interior decorations. If interior design is your forte then your sliding glass door with blinds can be a perfect complement to any statues or architectural features that you're showcasing around the various rooms that have sliding glass door with blinds.

Sliding Glass Door Curtains

There are however certain issues that do surface when choosing blinds as your choice of window decor. The most common issue would be that difficulty in choosing whether to hang up any of these three options:

1. Horizontal Blinds
2. Vertical Blinds
3. Curtains or Drapes

Sliding Glass Door Curtains

The actual color and design should obviously be chosen beforehand so that you can narrow down your choices. Horizontal blinds seem to be more popular, probably because they're very easy to manage but once you retract them you have only empty space left. Horizontal designs usually look best in studies, offices and such because they're not practical for doorways that have constant traffic.

Sliding Glass Door Curtains

Vertical blinds are fast becoming a common home accessory due to their extreme usefulness and functionality. Unlike horizontal blinds these are perfect for doorways that are used frequently like patio glass sliding doors. Some brands feature the ability to open to the right, left and split between the middle. This convenient feature allows you to direct the sun as and to where you need it while maintaining a certain sense of privacy.

Sliding Glass Door Curtains

Sliding glass door curtains or drapes are quite tricky in this scenario. Because curtains and drapes have been around for so long this industry has just about covered every type of look you can imagine, which is why if you choose carefully these can be a fitting addition to your glass sliding doors. While using sliding glass door curtains have its benefits its best recommended to only use them subtly over sliding doors which already have existing blinds.

Sliding Glass Door Curtains

The fact of the matter is that blinds do look better and have a more aesthetically pleasing look and feel in almost any home. The only downsides to installing blinds are that you might have trouble finding the right sizes to suit your room/s. Always make sure to pay attention to ensuring that you have the exact measurements of the blinds that you require. The last things you want are sliding glass door blinds that are either too short or long.

Sliding Glass Door Curtains
Sliding Glass Door Curtains

Closet Doors For Bedrooms

Closet Doors For Bedrooms
Closet Doors For Bedrooms

Guide to Finding Closet Door To Bedroom

Simplification and compression of only a few trends around the world in interior and furniture at efficient use of space. Sliding door to the bedroom closet and is popular for floor space savings, with the side panels are designed to move along the top or bottom of the track rather than an open forward. Some of the slides to either side as if they overlap with each other, known as the bypass. Others glide along the road into two hidden wall panel, known as the pocket. Arcadia sliding glass variation adds practical elegance to indoor spa, bathtub and shower rooms, as a home office and patio doors.

Closet Doors For Bedrooms

Bifold closet door for the bedroom which is also preferred to save space, which consists of several panels that fold in pairs, or in multiples if the multifold. This is what brings the functionality for home swimming pools, solariums, multi-use board rooms and banqueting suites because they can make a cage or separated into the required side. Other types help make the room appear more spacious. Arched top, maybe a half round or eyebrow, lengthwise. Flat panel or frameless glazed, whether sloping or flat, displaying clean lines.

Closet Doors For Bedrooms

Of tongue & groove V-groove, a lot of closet doors others provide using smart so no need to settle for a simple hinge type, especially when mass-produced as hollow core, using a thin stamped steel or wood. Louvered, beads and fabric clothing provides you with ventilation. Curtain is the choice of operating, fixed and false, in styles such as plantations, California or traditional. portal mirror adds depth, or for something more takes, true divided lite French, with some pieces of glass panels by mullions luxury or grating.

Closet Doors For Bedrooms

When it comes to the surface material, there are many substitutes for wood, which is prone to cracking, bowing and premature wear caused by temperature changes. These include vinyl, wood veneer, steel, metal, fiberglass, glass, composite and faux wood grain. However, wood is useful for the closet door for the bedroom because they are less exposed to the elements. Softwood and hardwood solids most often used include alder, beech, Spanish cedar, cherry, hickory, mahogany, hard or soft maple, red oak or white. Door furniture such as hinges, handles and levers can also be switched up.

Closet Doors For Bedrooms

Closet Doors For Bedrooms

Closet Doors For Bedrooms

Closet Doors For Bedrooms
Closet Doors For Bedrooms

Cartoon Door Opening

Cartoon Door Opening
Cartoon Door Opening

Cartoon Door Opening

Cartoon Door Opening

Cartoon Door Opening

Cartoon Door Opening

Cartoon Door Opening

Cartoon Door Opening
Cartoon Door Opening

Carriage Garage Doors

Carriage Garage Doors
Carriage Garage Doors

Carriage garage doors could be true that the train doors open in the middle and swing out like they did in barns and old carriage houses, or they can train like a garage door that is very similar to the correct carriage garage doors, only they are a facade and generally open like a real garage door, upstairs.

Carriage Garage Doors

Not only material and wood carriage door entrance, there is a steel door made to look like wood, yet durable and easier to maintain. All doors have high quality springs, rollers and tracks for smooth opening and closing the doors, no matter if they ride, on one side like an accordion or open like a traditional door.

Carriage Garage Doors

Carriage Garage Doors

Carriage Garage Doors

Carriage Garage Doors

Carriage Garage Doors

Carriage Garage Doors
Carriage Garage Doors

Brass Door Knobs

Brass Door Knobs
Brass Door Knobs

One style that is very popular is the antique brass door knob that you see every now and then in someone's home. Type the door knob and typically Greek style engraving in it that gives a unique look. There are many different patterns etched into the style that you can choose from, or you may decide that you like one that does all carved and choose the view of fine brass.

Brass Door Knobs

Brass Door Knobs

Brass Door Knobs

Brass Door Knobs
Brass Door Knobs

Alice In Wonderland Door Knob

Alice In Wonderland Door Knob
Alice In Wonderland Door Knob

The Mysterious Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
By Byron Sanchez - Ezinearticles

Imagine this - it is a nice clear night and you are tired. You intend on going to sleep soon. Before going to bed, you walk outside to take out the trash. While walking back inside, a car passes in the nearby street. But unlike any car you have ever seen before, it is unusually small. In fact, you feel like you are a giant in proportion to the car. As you walk towards the door of your house and reach for the knob, you see your hands outstretch for what seem like miles (and the doorknob seems to be far away as well). And as you walk into the house you see that your couch is huge. What is going on?

Alice In Wonderland Door Knob

These are all symptoms from something known as "Alice In Wonderland Syndrome (AIWS)." It is something that I have not heard much about before. But after reading one person's experience, I decided to do some research. Believe it or not, many people may experience this. It sounds like it comes from a description for the effects of substance abuse or maybe a sickness or illness of some sort. But some people who have suffered from this say they have been to doctors, had MRI scans and could ultimately not find what was wrong with them.

Alice In Wonderland Door Knob

Imagine experiencing these symptoms on occasion. It would be a very big inconvenience. Not to mention the stress from not knowing why you are experiencing it. Yet others who have experienced AIWS have said it sometimes would not go away. The causes for such a strange and possibly unheard of experience seem elusive. It can be difficult to pinpoint the trigger for something that others have not experienced. Without the ability to compare cases and accounts, one would have to guess the potential causes.

Alice In Wonderland Door Knob

The internet, of course, helped change that. One account after another was posted. Research began and sufferers of AIWS knew they were not alone. With all the work being done by those who were interested or by those who suffered from AIWS, potential and possible causes were found. There are several and some include classic migraines, the Epstein-Barr virus and Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Not only were potential causes found, but it is also being said that children from the ages of 5-10 most commonly suffer from AIWS, usually at night when lighting is scarce.

Alice In Wonderland Door Knob

AIWS is also known as Micropsia. Micropsia, in short, is a condition that affects visual perception- objects look smaller than they really are. Therefore, it makes sense to note that to someone suffering from this condition, objects may appear to be far away and "stretching into the distance," just as real faraway objects tend to look small. A condition with the opposite effects of Micropsia is known as Macropsia. Those who suffer from Macropsia see things bigger than they really are. AIWS is often used to refer to either condition.

Alice In Wonderland Door Knob

Treatments for AIWS vary. This is due to the fact that there are several potential causes. In fact, I was unable to find any one definite treatment that would help in every case. It seems the route most people would take would be to either check for or cure the potential causes. Migraines are said to be a potential cause, so some people with AIWS try to treat the migraines. The same would apply to other potential causes.

Alice In Wonderland Door Knob

AIWS has some strange effects. The idea that it can happen to anyone is scary. Most often, it seems, they occur in children. Obviously, the name "Alice in Wonderland Syndrome" stems from Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." But it is very interesting to note that Carroll did have at least one episode of a classical migraine during his lifetime. Thus, there is some question and belief that he may have actually experienced AIWS himself. Much progress has been made since the time of the first few publicized reports. As more research is done, hopefully we will know even more about AIWS.

Alice In Wonderland Door Knob
Alice In Wonderland Door Knob

How to Replace a Prehung Exterior Door

How to Replace a Prehung Exterior Door
How to Replace a Prehung Exterior Door
  1. Use drill/driver to back out door hinge screws; remove door
  2. Remove screws and/or nails from the hinge-side doorjamb
  3. Push old doorframe out of the opening, and discard
  4. Install Z-flashing over the door casing at the top of the opening
  5. Apply thick bead of caulk along the sides and top of opening
  6. Set the new prehung door into place, pressing it tight against the framing
  7. Check the threshold for level; slip shims under threshold, if necessary
  8. Temporarily screw through hinge-side jamb, then check spacing around inside of door
  9. Insert shims into spaces between the hinge-side jamb and wall framing
  10. From outside, pull back weatherstripping, drill pilot holes and drive masonry screws through hinge-side jamb and into masonry wall (use decking screws for wood wall)
  11. Repeat the procedure for latch-side jamb, making sure to place screws behind weatherstripping
  12. Close door and check the space between latch-side jamb and door edge; tap in shims, if necessary, to create consistent spacing
  13. Use utility knife to trim all shims flush
  14. Install lockset
  15. 15. Apply bead of caulk around the exterior of the doorframe, including under the threshold
Prehung Exterior Door

Prehung Exterior Door

Prehung Exterior Door

How to Replace a Prehung Exterior Door
How to Replace a Prehung Exterior Door

Painted Doors

Painted Doors
Painted Doors
Interiors from the Edo Open Air Architecture Museum