Ping Pong Table Door Design

Ping Pong Table Door Design
Ping Pong Table Door Design

Okay, this might sounds weird, but it’s brilliant for sportsmen to have fun with their teammates. Ping Pong Table Door Design is taking the usual door transformed into a ping pong battle field between the guest and the room owner. Designed by Tobia Franzel, who I suspect to be a great fans on Ping Pong sports. This door design allow everyone who own a limited space in their room to have a mini sized Ping-Pong table to start a match whenever they want.

The Ping-Pong table door is consist of two parts. 1st part is the door frame itself and the second part is the ping pong table that you can lay down the surface vertically. It might not as large as the real measurement for the ping pong table though. But at least you can get yourself crazy play ball of fury inside your own room with your roommate without the need to go to a stadium to release your energy. Pretty cool and nice design.

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